
IETF Outcomes Wiki discussion list

This mailing list is for the purpose of discussing the design and content of a collaborative effort to assess the outcomes of work delivered by the IETF. The IETF has operated in its current form since 1989. Some of its standards have succeeded on a very large and visible scale. Others are successful, but visible only to a more limited community. Others have fared poorly. A wiki has been developed to collect and organize community assessments of technologies and services that were developed in the IETF and represent notable successes or failures. This wiki provides some closed-loop feedback to the IETF community, about the utility of its efforts, as well as facilitating public understanding of IETF work and impact. The mailing list is for community issues that arise, concerning both the design of the wiki and its template, and about particular entries in the wiki.

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IETF Mailarchive

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